"Not sure I can find words to say how glad I am I found her!
First there was the free 10-minute session she offered at the Energy Healing Conference in Ogden, Utah. In that short amount time, without any prior discussion, she tuned into me and showed me exactly what I needed to see. It was awesome that she was talking with me about things I hadn't told her, as though I had, telling me things I had not recognized but that were 100% true.
I'm not sure how to explain exactly what a session with her is like. I think I'll get a little personal here so you can see what I'm talking about. This was just one of many insights she showed me in just those 10 minutes:
"I feel like you're getting close to forgiving them, but you're still holding yourself accountable for what happened. As long as you do that, you won't be able to truly forgive them and let it go. You see the best and highest good in everybody. How could you have known beforehand what they were going to do? You couldn't. So stop beating yourself up about it."
Boom! Nailed it. Her insight carried me through another 2 months of healing. After a full 60-minute session with her today, I feel like I'm set now for a long, long time. It was money very well spent!
So there you go. She's got a wonderful gift and she's using it to help others. Love it. Thanks Misty!" ~ Alisa Smith
"I see you as a gifted healer; an angel messenger for others." ~ Wynde
"Thank you! I wish I had recorded it all instead of taking notes. There was so much on point information, I am very excited for the impact this knowledge will have in my journey. Bless you!" ~ Dorothy JD Guinn
"Thank you Misty for an amazing session! You had so much information to share which I consider life-transforming. I highly recommend Misty's Intuitive Reading events." ~ Allen Dee Geddes
"Dear Misty,
I have been meaning to write you for a long time now. I wanted to thank you for the talk we had at the fair. It was hard at the time to intake all that you were telling me. I now know the strength that it has given me. You helped me grow as a person so I wanted to thank you for opening up with me." ~ Brittany M.
"Just thought you might be interested in knowing my thoughts after my reading from you at the South Towne conference. You had a huge impact on my transition back to "real" life after I lost my husband to suicide a few short months prior to meeting you.
I just want to express my thanks to you for Your spirit and for sharing your talent with others.
Today's agenda:
Christ Centered Energy Healing Conference in SLC. I just got done with a "reading." 10 minutes of someone else's interpretation of me. And it's crazy, right, because I had tried to sign up for a session earlier but they were all full. So I got on a backup list, they were going to text me if they had an opening or someone who didn't show up. So as I'm headed out the door to go home I get a text from them. Tired(I've been awake since 3:30am), I struggle with my decision to go back in. But decide it might be kind of fun. When I get there, the person that was scheduled also shows up. "Its ok" I say as I turn to walk away, "I understand." But they tell me they'll work me in.
First thing she says is she feels as though I've been through something traumatic that has shaped my life. She says I'm struggling with my relationships, with finalizing things. She tells me I'm supposed to use the knowledge gained from my trials & share my experience with other people. "You have things you can't finish, you can't face." she just goes on and on "there are angels around you, they just can't communicate with you. "The love is still there," she randomly interjects. She says I need to stop trying to live in the past and start from now and move forward. She says to let go of the mistakes. She tells me I'm beautiful and I have a lot to offer other people. She encourages me to find a way and someone to continue to express my feelings candidly. And offers me the alternate viable conduit for me to work on my relationship with God.
Initially I was skeptical. Even with the shock of her first statement I am hesitant. But as she sequentially touches on every aspect of my life for the last 2 years my unbelief dwindles. And the tears stream down my face. HOW? No such thing as coincidence, right?
I get in my car to drive home. 103.5, the Arrow~block party weekend. Don't you miss those? Def Leppard. I turn it up and sing at the top of my lungs, and just drive..."
~ Jennifer DeWaal
"Misty, You gave me a great gift!
It is ironic that an act of anger/hurt/frustration would lead me to you and one of the most important conversations of my life, but I am enormously grateful for it...Thank you for the courage you had in speaking with me. You have a gift (I know you won't take credit, but you do) and I am so grateful you shared it with me. In short, I was at a crossroads and you helped me immeasurably!" ~ Ann P.