Quotes to live byIn honor of Easter I wish to share this hymn for our quote today. I Know That My Redeemer Lives by Samuel Medley I know that my Redeemer...
Quotes to live by"If I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt." ~ Loretta Claiborne, special olympian
Quotes to live by"Your friends mean everything...they can bring you down to depths you don't think you can get to or they can take you to heights you...
Quotes to live by"If you are not smiling it doesn't really matter what you do with your face." ~ Meg Johnson
Quotes to live by"Eventually, the more love a person gives the easier it is to find. It's the only part that matters, nothing else." ~ Anne of Green...
Quotes to live by"A tragic moment is not the end of your world, it's a step into opportunity." ~Commercial
Quotes to live by"Wounds heal...Scars fade...You've got to let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters...
Quotes to live by"...God is love, and...God's presence is felt at the very time when the only thing we do is to love." ~ Pope Benedict XVI
Being EnoughI have this really cool demonstration I want to share with you. The demonstration involves a clear glass jar, a shallow bowl, water,...