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Misty Roses Communications

Love Yourself

The busy chaos of summer is starting to wind down here as the kids get ready to head back to school. It has been busy and long. Even...

Quotes to live by

"Prayer does on of two things: it either frees us from the trouble we fear or gives us strength and courage to meet the trouble when it...

Just Forget About It

Forget It By An Unknown Author If you see a tall fellow ahead of the crowd, A leader of music, marching fearless and proud, And you...

Quotes to live by

"(Life) is like a bank, the more you put into it, the more you have in it." ~ Unknown author

Age is a State of Mind

How old are you? By H. S. Fritsch Age is a quality of mind. If you have left your dreams behind, If hope is cold, If you no longer...

Quotes to live by

"Those who believe there is one God who made all things and who governs the world by this providence will make many choices different...

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